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Obesity: An issue for Gastric Problem

Obesity: An issue for Gastric Problem

October 30, 2019

Obesity is a very common issue today and with the rise in the unhealthy lifestyle of people, obesity has become a serious concern for various matters especially related to the gastrointestinal tract. Obesity is the excess amount of body fat and causes a lot of risks to your health by making you prone to diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and severe gastrointestinal conditions such as gastric problems, fatty liver, acid reflux, and gallstones.

A person is considered obese when the BMI – Body Mass Index level is 30 or higher. BMI can be calculated online or by visiting a doctor. Obesity is however, different from overweight wheein the BMI level is within 25 to 30.  The basic phenomenon that leads to obesity is the fact that there is higher calorie consumption than calorie burn, which is then stored in the body as fat. That said, sometimes obesity may be caused due to certain medical conditions but it is very rare. Some of the most common factors causing obesity are unhealthy diet comprising of fast-food, oily items, lack of nutrition, carbonated drinks, etc. All of these foods are high on fats and contain a lot of calories. Another factor that causes obesity is the physical inactivity. It is one thing to consume a host full of calories and another to let it convert into fat instead of burning them by indulging in physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle often leads to obesity and related health problems. Further, obesity could also be result of genes or a slow metabolic rate that causes fats to breakdown slowly instead of burning the calories fast.

Obesity is an alarming stage and one must switch to a healthy diet, adapt a healthy lifestyle, engage in physical activity to reduce weight and lower the BMI. Amongst the various serious health problems associated with obesity, one of the most common is gastrointestinal issues especially gastric troubles due to the below reasons:

Obesity promotes inflammation in the gut:

Fat cells lead to production of inflammatory particles and in obese people, the quantity of fat cells multiples creating more inflammatory particles. These particles move through the blood vessels and cause inflammation in parts of the body they travel to. The inflammatory particles also are present in the lining of the gut, making them weaker and more prone to gastric ulcers.

Obese people have weaker gut bacteria:

Gut bacteria are very important because it helps in the smooth digestion and breakdown of food, as well as absorption of nutrients. These gut bacteria also keep the gut cells of the stomach lining healthy and strong. But in people suffering from obesity, the gut bacteria are weaker and hence, they are unable to digest food properly, making the lining weaker and more prone to ulcers.

Obesity weakens the lining of the gut:

Excess weight weakens the normal spaces and links that exist between gut cells. The weakened connections cause toxins, irritants, harmful bacteria, pathogens, etc. to enter the gut lining and disturb the digestion process and cause gastric troubles.

That said, obesity does become a critical issue for gastric problem. While gastric is a problem that people encounter sometime or the other, but obesity adds more stress to the stomach lining causing acute stomach ache, bloating, heartburn, stomach gas, and acidity. An obese person experiencing gastric problem may have nausea, sharp stomach ache, vomiting, stomach burning sensation, indigestion, bloating, loss of appetite, and feeling full even after a small meal.

That said, the best cure to gastric troubles arising because of obesity is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat healthy food, and reduce weight to have a fit gut. More so, you could also try these effective tricks to reduce the gastric trouble.

Anti-inflammatory Diet

Consuming foods that have anti-inflammatory and calming properties are very effective in gastric problem. Anti-inflammatory foods such as green leafy vegetables, almonds, walnuts, salmon, tuna, olive oil, tomatoes, strawberries, blueberries, oranges, etc. are excellent gastric remedy.


Garlic is enriched with antimicrobial and antifungal agents to, which the Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria are highly sensitive. Intake of garlic represses the bacteria and keeps the body way from gastric troubles. You can include garlic in your everyday cooking recipes or take a small clove everyday on empty stomach. Gas-O-Fast advises you to start small with garlic as this gastric remedy do not suit everyone and hence, precaution is important.


Probiotics foods can help improve digestive process and regular bowel movement that prevent gastric problem in people. Probiotic food releases good bacteria into the digestive tract that combat the spread of the Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori). You can eat Probiotic foods such as yogurt, kimchi, kombucha, sauerkraut, kefir, tempeh, miso, pickles, traditional buttermilk, natto, etc.

Essential Oils

Oils extracted from ingredients such as ginger, peppermint, tarragon, fennel, caraway are excellent gastric remedy. These essential oils have digestive properties; soothing effects; and stimulate gastric juices; healthy bile and acids in stomach. These oils also amp up the digestive process, boost metabolism, and help maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract. These oils also relieve symptoms of stomach gas and bloating. You can include these essential oils in your diet by consuming their seeds or if you do want to eat them, you can dilute them with carrier oil such as coconut and apply it your skin.

Apart from these solutions for gastric problem, you can take the very effective and easily available Gas-O-Fast plus tablets that have digestive enzymes and provide you some quick relief; also you can keep Gas-O-Fast flavored sachets handy to manage quickly in some situations.


Categories : Gas & Bloating

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