Dizziness is a sensation of feeling off balance. If one experiences such dizzy spells, it might feel like that the entire world around them is spinning. Dizziness is usually caused by some internal body disorder, either a head or a neck injury or brain problems such as a stroke or tumour. Some medications may cause ear damage and migraine headaches. Did you know that dizziness can also happen because of gastric problems?
Why does it happen?
Dizziness makes one feel unbalanced or unsteady whereas gastric problems affect other parts of the body as well. Dizziness is often caused due to gastric problems such as food poisoning, stomach flu or motion sickness. Drinking alcohol and consumption of tobacco in high intake is also linked to dizziness, as the body at some point starts losing control of its surroundings and starts feeling dizzy.
In the case of dizziness, the gastric pain is usually sharp, dull, gnawing, or ongoing, on and off, burning, or cramp-like. Stomach aches and dizziness often go away after getting some rest. But if your dizziness also often comes with other symptoms like bleeding, it can be a sign of a potentially serious underlying medical condition. Make an appointment with your doctor once your symptoms start obstructing your day-to-day activities, or are getting progressively worse.
There are other reasons for dizziness too. Normally, when we eat, blood flow increases to our stomach and small intestine. The heart also starts beating faster in order to maintain blood flow and pressure in the rest of your body. In such cases, the blood decreases everywhere but the digestive system, which eventually causes dizziness.
Remedies for dizziness due to gastric problems
Take the below measures to solve the problem of dizziness -
1. Avoid skipping meals. If you don’t feel like eating, reduce your food intake and eat at certain intervals (i.e. 3 square meals broken down to 5 or 6 as the body is able to digest). In any case, skipping meals can make your problems worse. Chewing slowly also helps in easier digestion of food.
2. Don’t overeat. If the dizziness is a result of stress on the gut, the focus should be on relieving pressure. Don’t overeat or consume trigger foods that aggravate your symptoms. On the other hand, sometimes low blood sugar levels will also cause dizziness, so make sure you get enough energy from your food.
3. The consumption of spicy, fried, fatty, junk and oily food should be avoided or, at least, reduced.
4. The consumption of carbonated beverages and alcohol should be avoided as they don’t digest easily. Drinking coffee, tea and carbonated drinks should be limited to only once in a day.
5. Exercise regularly. Set aside 30-45 minutes per day to stay fit and look after your health.
6. Increase your daily water intake. Dehydration can be a cause of dizziness as it increases the risk of falling blood pressure. Drink plenty of fluids, especially if you are experiencing diarrhoea or constipation.
7. A lot of people are lactose intolerant and are unaware of it. It may cause their body great harm as one may have a problem digesting lactose and not know it. If you notice frequent issues related to the digestion of lactose products, consider going on a lactose-free diet for a couple of weeks and see if it makes a difference. There are a lot of lactose-free products available in the market these days.
8. Activities like smoking and drinking should not only be avoided but stopped permanently for one’s own health. There are various other methods to remove stress, such as yoga or meditation.
9. Limit stress. It can also sometimes lead to you feeling lightheaded. Practice relaxation techniques like controlled breathing techniques or meditation to address stress.
10. Get proper sleep. This is important to allow your body to repair and restore.
If you are experiencing recurring dizziness, see your doctor immediately.
Many patients are embarrassed to mention gastric problems to their doctors which shouldn’t be the case. Sometimes, it is gastric problems like stomach pain, diarrhoea or constipation, vomiting, weight loss, heartburn, or rectal bleeding, which start with dizziness but take a harmful turn. One should always take advice from a doctor as soon as possible. A doctor is most likely to send the patient to a specialist called a gastroenterologist—a doctor who specializes in the digestive system.
Dizziness, at times, may be connected to severe gastric problems like stomach ulcer or intestinal bleeding. In fact, some medications, such as antibiotics, can alter the quantity or variety of bacteria in our bodies, which may lead to gastric problem. Gas-o-Fast active Ajwain offers a quick solution to gastric problems and packs the power of Ayurvedic ingredients.
Disclaimer This blog solely intended for the educational/informational/awareness purposes and is not a substitute for any professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please consult your doctor/healthcare professional before acting on the information provided on the blog. Reliance on any or all information provided in the blog, is solely at your own risk and responsibility. Mankind Pharma Limited shall not be held liable, in any circumstance whatsoever.
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