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Gas in the stomach: What to eat to avoid bloat

Gas in the stomach: What to eat to avoid bloat

November 02, 2019

Let’s address an embarrassing and very uncomfortable issue – stomach gas and resultant bloating. Bloat is basically an accumulation of gas in the stomach, caused because of improper digestion, swallowing of air, or overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine. It is that familiar feeling when your stomach is protruding weirdly, is tender, pains upon touch, and when you feel full even without haven eaten much – you should recognise you have stomach gas which is causing your stomach to bloat like a balloon, disturbing you both physically and affecting your peace of mind. Well, while it is very natural for a person to experience stomach gas; as per research, an average human being releases stomach gas approximately 12 to 25 times a day. However, when this stomach gas is also accompanied by bloating or an uncomfortable feeling in the body, that is the time you must look for belly bloaters in your food and avoid them. More so, it is important to eat right to avoid bloating and stomach aches. 

Gas-O-Fast brings to you a list of foods you can eat to avoid stomach gas and bloating.


Cucumber is very often used to remove the puffiness around the eyes because it has a soothing effect, an impact which similarly applies to your stomach as well. Cucumbers contain a compound known as Quercetin which is a flavonoid antioxidant that works effectively to reduce the inflammation and overall bloating in the stomach. It functions like pro-inflammatory enzymes and has a calming effect on the stomach muscles. More so, it is also rich in silica, caffeic acid (especially the skin of the cucumber) and Vitamin C – all of which work collectively to reduce the swelling in the stomach, as well as prevent retention of water in the body. You can eat cucumber as a salad with your food or consume this in a form of juice empty stomach. Remember to not add salt to it, drink it raw for best results.


Bananas are a loved fruit not because of their taste only but also because of the innumerable health benefits, including relieving stomach gas and bloating issues. Bananas are rich in potassium that helps prevent the retention of water in the stomach by regulating the level of sodium in the body, thereby reducing stomach bloating induced by salt. Bananas also are full of soluble fibre that works to prevent and relieve constipation, which ultimately leads to lesser chances of bloating and stomach gas. You can include one banana per day in your diet either in the raw form or make a banana smoothie by adding some honey to it.


Papaya is known for its digestive properties and if often referred to as the digestive champion. It contains a powerful enzyme called papain that functions as a mild laxative, enabling the body to flush out excess waste from the body, as well as effectively break proteins in the gastrointestinal tract. Papaya is also highly fibrous which further aids the removal of toxins and waste, leading to lesser bloating and formation of gas in the stomach. Further, its anti-inflammatory properties help to calm the stomach muscles and reduce any existing bloating. You can consume one fresh papaya whole or can run a quick papaya smoothie without any sugar, though you can add some pure honey, per taste.


If we are to name one food that would cure bloating completely it would be asparagus. Also, called the anti-bloating superfood, asparagus helps remove excess water and flushes out toxins from the body, relieving the body of bloating and stomach gas problems. It is also a rich probiotic food and thereby enhances the growth of good bacteria in the stomach that helps in the effective breakdown of food. Asparagus is highly soluble but also contains insoluble fibres – a balance of both these compounds help to smoothen the digestive process of the body. You can grill some asparagus and eat in the form of veggies by tossing it in some lemon juice to add the tangy flavour or can blanch them and consume as fillers between meals. 


Yogurt is a major probiotic and helps to enhance the digestion of food in the body. Yogurt is full of active cultures and consuming yogurt regularly can increase the level of lactobacillus and bifid bacterium in the body, both of which are good bacteria that help in smooth movement of food through the digestive tract, preventing your stomach from bloating. No matter full-fat or low-fat, yogurt in any form brings an influx of good bacteria in the stomach. You can consume plain yogurt with meals or individually every day; if you do not like the idea of plain yogurt, you can add some honey, canned pumpkin, peanut butter or shredded coconut for flavour.


Pineapple is a very good anti-bloat fruit because it contains an enzyme called bromelain, which helps the body in an effective breakdown of protein leading to the easy release of stomach gas and causing no bloating. You can eat pineapple in the natural fruit form or grill some pineapple rings or cubes, add some toppings and enjoy the delicacy. You can also drink pineapple in the form of juice. 

If these foods do not help subside the bloating and relive the stomach gas, then grab a Gas-O-Fast flavoured sachet to get instant relief from stomach gas and bloating. These sachets are available in many flavours and contain Ayurvedic digestive properties that help reduce inflammation and promote better digestion.

Categories : Gas & Bloating

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