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Fighting Acidity: Foods to Avoid and Foods to  Consume

Fighting Acidity: Foods to Avoid and Foods to Consume

October 18, 2018

Acidity is one of the most common health complaints we hear. Nearly one in ten adults suffers from it, every day! Acidity occurs when the stomach produces an excessive amount of acid, far more than that which is ordinarily needed during digestion. A certain amount of acid is beneficial since it kills any germs you may have ingested along with your food. Excess acid, however, causes acidity. Acidity, in turn, causes heartburn - that painful burning sensation in your chest and throat after a particularly heavy meal. It also causes nausea, hiccups, and leaves a sour taste in your mouth.

Lifestyle factors such as smoking, drinking, living a sedentary life, obesity, stress, anxiety, and sleeping too soon after a meal are common causes of acidity. However, certain food items act as a trigger for acidity. They may have a high acid content or they might slow the digestive process down. To get an acidity solution, you should limit your intake of such foods as much as possible.

Foods to avoid

Here are some of the regular offenders that you must stay away from, especially if you’re prone to contracting acidity problems:

  • Citrus fruits: Tomatoes, oranges, lemons, limes, cranberries and grapefruits and pineapples. Sauces, pickles, juices and salad dressings which contain these items should also be cut out
  • Beverages: Tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, caffeinated drinks, and alcohol (especially red wine)
    Sharp spices: Raw onions, garlic, and black pepper
  • Chocolates
  • Meats: Lamb, beef, and pork prepared by deep frying. Also, lard, bacon fat and ham fat
  • Processed snacks: Onion rings, French fries, cookies, desserts, pizza, salsa and ice cream
  • Overly salted food
  • Condiments: Vinegar, mayonnaise and soy sauce
  • Sweeteners: Sugar, honey, and molasses
  • Processed grains: Wheat, rice, and corn

Foods to consume

These are foods which offer an excellent acidity solution:

  • Fresh vegetables: These contain essential vitamins and minerals, are low in sugar and fat and have a naturally high pH level. The best options are green leafy vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, and cabbage. Broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, cucumbers, green beans, Brussel sprouts, and potatoes come a close second
  • Whole grains: Oatmeal and brown rice absorb acid and are high in fibre content
  • Digestive spices: Ginger, parsley, turmeric, and fennel can serve as post-dinner aids to digestion
  • Lean meats and egg whites: Hardcore non-vegetarians can switch chicken, fish, seafood and egg yolks. These must be prepared by poaching, baking, grilling or broiling techniques
  • Healthy fats: Replace refined oils with sesame oil or olive oil. Also, supplement your nutrient intake by including walnuts, almonds, and sunflower seeds in your diet. These contain Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin E, essential for overall health
  • Soothing fruits: Bananas calm the stomach lining. Fruits with high water content such as watermelons, honeydew, and cantaloupe are good options too. Apples contain a flavonoid, which is a natural acidity solution
  • Fermented foods: Probiotics such yoghurt and sauerkraut prevent acid reflux and armour the stomach lining

Apart from diet control, changing bad habits goes a long way in preventing acidity. Reduce or completely get rid of smoking. 

Keep yourself hydrated. Remember, your body can never have too much water. Moreover, eat smaller meals throughout the day rather than three large meals. Your dinner should be light, preferably consumed at least three hours before you go to bed. Above all, exercise regularly. Physical activity promotes effective digestion and keeps acidity issues at bay. For quick relief against acidity, rely on Gas-O-Fast, the natural acidity solution your body will thank you for!

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