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Stomach Gas: Symptoms and Treatment

Stomach Gas: Symptoms and Treatment

April 29, 2019

Stomach gas is a common problem associated with indigestion. Food products like dairy products, beans and sweetened beverages are often the culprits. Swallowing air while eating or drinking can also create gas.

This gas trapped in our intestines is a problem faced by many. Although trapped gas cannot be termed as a disease, it can get uncomfortable and painful. You can, however, reduce stomach gas problems by changing your diet and lifestyle. To understand the condition in detail, let’s look at its symptoms and treatment.


Stomach gas can create many digestive symptoms which can vary across individuals. Some common symptoms are as follows:

•    Belching: Often a result of swallowing air or drinking carbonated beverages
•    Bloating: Bloating or swelling of the abdomen is caused by trapped gas which, when unreleased, causes discomfort
•    Flatulence: The passing of gas is referred to as flatulence. This happens during the digestive process. Our lifestyles and dietary habits can often cause excessive flatulence
•    Abdominal Pain: Pain from trapped gas in the stomach creates discomfort. Passing it out offers quick relief
•    Stomach Cramps and Chest Pain

While these symptoms can cause discomfort, they’re usually not indicative of a serious issue. In most cases, they will not need medical attention and will go away in a few hours.


Stomach gas pain is generally caused by unhealthy dietary habits. It can be easily treated with dietary measures, lifestyle changes, and general medications. However, the problems vary from person to person. Maintaining a proper routine and following your doctor’s advice can easily provide relief.

1) Diet

Changing your dietary habits can offer relief against gas symptoms. Your doctor can examine your everyday food intake and make recommendations accordingly. Eliminating the following from your dietary intake can cure your stomach gas troubles to a large extent.
•    Fiber-Rich Foods: High-fiber foods like onions, beans, cabbage, artichokes, pears, peaches, apples and asparagus can cause gas. Whole-wheat and bran also create stomach problems. Avoid eating high-fiber foods not recommended by your doctor.
•    Sugary Products: Avoid eating sugar products. Use sugar-free products instead
•    Fried Fast Food: Fried foods contain dietary fats, which delay the passage of gas through the intestines. Reduce your fast food intake to avoid stomach gas.
•    Dairy: Try dairy products which are lactose-free or use milk supplements with Lactase. This will aid in digestion as well
•    Soft-Drinks: Most soft-drinks are carbonated beverages which increase CO2 levels in our body
•    Water: Drink plenty of water to prevent constipation and stomach pain

2) Medicines

Certain medicinal products help to reduce stomach gas symptoms.

•    Lactase Supplements: They help us in digesting the sugar in dairy products. Lactase supplements help in reducing gas symptoms if you are lactose intolerant
•    Alpha – Galactosidase: These supplements help to break down carbohydrates in beans. Doctors advise taking them before every meal
•    Activated Charcoal: Research has shown activated charcoal to reduce symptoms of a gassy stomach. You can take them both before and after a meal. However, activated charcoal might interfere with the body’s capacity to absorb certain medicines. Always take them with your doctor’s advice
•    Simethicone: The product simethicone helps break up bubbles in gas. This helps the gas to pass through the digestive tract

3) Lifestyle Changes

Creating radical changes in your lifestyle can effectively reduce stomach gas symptoms. Certain commonly prescribed lifestyle improvements are mentioned below.

•    Eating Slowly: It is always advised to eat your food slowly. Chew down food particles completely and do not gulp
•    Take Small Portions: Most food products which can cause gas are part of a healthy diet. Try eating a smaller portion of high-fiber rich foods. In this way, you can find out if your body can absorb a smaller portion without producing an excess of gas
•    Reject Sweets: Sweetened products like chewing gums, candies and soft-drinks all have high air content. This can create a lot of gas
•    Stop Smoking: Smoking cigarettes increases the amount of air swallowed. Quit or decrease your smoking to prevent unwanted gas formation
•    Exercising: Perform workouts regularly. They help in preventing constipation, which can easily stop the release of gas from the colon

Apart from these, you can buy a journal and keep a record of everything you eat and drink. Keep a record of how many times a day you pass gas and all abdominal symptoms experienced. You can bring the journal to your doctor’s next appointment.

For quick relief from stomach infections and heartburns, try Gas-O-Fast. Gas-O-Fast tablets work quickly to help you get rid of acidity from the root cause. These tablets contain digestive enzymes that offer instant relief from acidity and heartburn.


Offered in several flavours, Gas-O-Fast instantly dissolves in water, leaving a fruity taste in your mouth and a feeling of lightness in your stomach.


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